Moving House – Part 2

Moving House – Part 1.
May 20, 2019
Moving House – Part 3
June 28, 2019
House Moving Kits

Top Tips for Stress Busting Packing Success.

OK, we’ll admit it, we LOVE packing (it comes with the job).  But we understand packing for a moving house can prove stressful, especially whilst still living in the property, juggling kids, eating, showering and the family dog.  So, here’s our top tips to keep things running as smooth as possible whilst you’re on the move!

Moving House Preparation.

  • Pick your boxes wisely! This is no joke, by using boxes specifically designed for domestic house removals, shipping and storage then you’re already onto a winner.  Believe us when we say your removals team will thank you for the safer handling and strength of the boxes.
  • Don’t overfill or leave anything sticking out the top- it’ll make things even harder for you and the removals team.
  • Did you know the heavier an item, the smaller the box it should be packed in?

Kitchen items.

  • Breakables! to pack them safely we suggest, layering the bottom of the box with screwed up packing paper, place a layer of individually wrapped valuables on top.  Add another layer of paper and continue alternating until the box is almost full.
  • Fill in any gaps with smaller items such as cups, lids etc.  Add a final layer of packing paper across (around 2in thick preferably), seal and mark as fragile.  Cardboard dividers can also be a useful addition for items such as glassware to avoid individually wrapping if required.
  • We recommend packing anything with a spout or a handle upright with extra padding around them. Fill in any gaps under and around with smaller items or scrunched up packing paper.
  • Wrap your cutlery in small easy to manage bundle using packing paper (there’s a theme developing here) and crucially ensure all sharp knives are facing in the same direction to avoid any nasty accidents.
  • In the weeks leading up to your move date, try and use up your freezer foods before defrosting and draining the day before removal. Wrap the item carefully using bubble wrap.
  • If you’re taking your gas or electric cooker with you to the new property, then disconnect and replace any fittings with appropriate plugs and caps, be sure to seal hoses to the appliance using zip ties- always a good idea to ask your removals company for a hand with this if you’re unsure… safety first!
  • Washing machines and dishwashers should be un-plumbed and drained the day before moving and once again pack wrap with bubble wrap.
  • As much as you’ll probably need a well-earned brew on the morning of, we recommend emptying, draining and drying out your coffee machine on the day before, so best to keep that kettle out on this occasion. Same applies here for any irons or fryers too.
  • Speaking of the kettle, be sure to keep an eye on it- it’s most likely to be one of the last things packed and one of the first things needed at the new place.


So that’s the kitchen packed and sorted- stay tuned for our next instalments of packing success!!

House Moving boxes